作曲者 | Vincent Persichetti (1915-1987)・ヴィンセント・パーシケッティ |
タイトル | Hymns and Responses, Vol.1 |
サブタイトル | For The Church Year |
出版社 | Theodore Presser・プレッサー |
楽器編成 | choir, piano and organ |
品番 | 978-1598065978- |
形状 | 24・50 g |
出版番号 | 462-00001 |
ISBN | 978-1598065978- |
General Hymn: Our Father - whose creative will - General Hymn: Round me falls the night - General Hymn: If I can stop one heart from breaking - General Hymn: Creator Spirit - by whose aid - General Hymn (or Christmas): purer than purest pure - General Hymn: Send forth - O God - Thy light and truth - Evening Hymn: Motionless share of thought at last - Advent: Come - Thou long expected Jesus - Christmas: This is the month - and this the happy morn - Christmas: Joy will come at Christmas - Lent: O Lord - turn not Thy Face from them - Passiontide: Now in the tomb is laid - Passiontide: Drop - drop slow tears - Easter: The gates of death are broken through - Ascension: The head that once was crowned with thorns - Communion: O God - unseen yet ever near - Children's Hymn: God who made the earth - Children's Hymn: Hush! my dear - lie still and slumber - Opening Response: Edna St. Vincent Millay - Opening Response: Conrad Aiken - Introit: Psalm 95:6 - Scripture Reponse: Psalm 119:18 - Prayer Reponse: Shakespeare - Prayer Reponse: Psalm 19:14 - Communion Reponse: Louis Untermeyer - Evening Response: Wallace Stevens - Closing Response: P.B. Shelley - Genereal Response: Anonymous - Kyrie - Sanctus - Agnus Dei - Gloria Tibi - Single Amen - Double Amen - Threefold Amen - Sevenfold Amen - Threefold Amen - Threefold Amen - Threefold Amen - Sevenfold Amen