作曲者 | Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)・カミーユ・サン=サーンス |
タイトル | Le Carnaval des Animaux = 動物の謝肉祭, arr. Organ solo |
出版社 | Schott・ショット |
楽器編成 | organ |
品番 | 979-0-001-21419-3 |
編曲者 | Shin-Young Lee |
形状 | 52 ページ・中綴じ |
出版年 | 2021年 |
出版番号 | ED 23492 |
ISMN | 979-0-001-21419-3 |
サンプル | https://en.schott-music.com/shop/pdfviewer/index/readfile/?idx=NDc0NzM1&idy=474735 |
For the 100th anniversary of the death of Camille Saint- Saëns, the internationally renowned concert organist Shin-Young Lee has arranged his most famous work, the Carnival of the Animals, for the organ.
No. 1 Introduction et Marche Royale du Lion / Introduction and the Lion’s Royal March
No. 2 Poules et Coqs / Hens and Cockerels
No. 3 Hémiones (Animaux véloces) / Wild Asses
No. 4 Tortues / Tortoises
No. 5 L’Éléphant / The Elephant
No. 6 Kangourous / Kangaroos
No. 7 Aquarium
No. 8 Personnages à longues oreilles / Long-Eared Persons
No. 9 Le Coucou au fond des bois / The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Forest
No. 10 Volière / Aviary
No. 11 Pianistes [Organistes] / Pianists [Organists]
No. 12 Fossiles / Fossils
No. 13 Le Cygne / The Swan
No. 14 Final / Finale