作曲者 | György Ligeti (1923-2006)・ジョルジュ・リゲティ |
タイトル | Viola Sonata |
サブタイトル | for viola solo |
出版社 | Schott・ショット |
楽器編成 | viola |
品番 | 9790001111928 |
難易度 | 上級 |
形状 | 32 ページ・中綴じ |
演奏時間 | 22分 |
作曲年 | 1991-1994年 |
出版年 | 2001年 |
出版番号 | ED 8374 |
ISMN | 9790001111928 |
ISBN | 9783795797409 |
‘Apparently the viola is just a somewhat larger violin, simply tuned a fifth lower. In reality though, there is a world of difference between the two instruments.’ – The composer lends weight to his argument with this impressive ‘real’ viola piece: extreme high notes are avoided, indeed, one movement is played exclusively on the C string.
Hora lunga - Loop - Facsar - Prestissimo con sordino - Lamento - Chaconne chromatique