作曲者 | Jack Adler-McKean |
タイトル | The Techniques of Tuba Playing |
出版社 | Bärenreiter・ベーレンライター |
品番 | KGBVK02421 |
言語 | ドイツ語・英語 |
形状 | 211 ページ・29,0 x 21,0 cm・676 g・Paperback |
出版番号 | BVK 2421 |
ISBN | 978-3761824214 |
This book on the tuba is a companion for composers and players alike, deepening their understanding of this somewhat neglected family of instruments. It gives tuba players an opportunity to master and employ new performance techniques on their instrument, particularly in contemporary music. Jack Adler-McKean offers helpful instruction in various tuning mechanisms, resonance properties, new forms of notation and contemporary practices. Using the most recent research, he subdivides and reconstructs processes of sound generation and modification to display the broad range of tonal possibilities in the tuba family, many of which can also be applied to other brass instruments. The text is illustrated with numerous music examples and diagrams and is supplied with instructive audio samples which can be downloaded from the Bärenreiter website.
I. Einleitung
I. Introduction
II. Die Tubafamilie: ein kurzer Überblick
II. The tuba family: a brief overview
III. Ventile und andere Stimmmechanismen
III. Valves and other tuning systems
IV. Resonanzeigenschaften und Notationsprinzipien
IV. Resonant characteristics and notational principles
V. Klangressourcen I: Grundlagen der Klangerzeugung
V. Sonic resources I: Fundamentals of sound production
VI. Klangressourcen II: mikrotonale und nicht-gleichstufige Klangerzeugung
VI. Sonic resources II: microtonal and non-equality tempered sound production
VII. Klangresssourcen III: Erzeugung von Luftgeräuschen (ohne Lippenton-Klangerzeugung)
VII. Sonic resources III: air noise (non-lip-reed) sound production
VIII. Klangmodifikation I: Lippen und Gesichtsmuskulatur
VIII. Modifying sounds I: the lips and facial muscles
IX. Klangmodifikation II: Zunge, Vokaltrakt und weitere Muskeln
IX. Modifying sounds II: the tongue, vocal tract, and other muscles
X. Klangmodifikation III: Instrumentalmechanik
X. Modifying sounds III: instrumental mechanics
XI. Klänge und Modifikationen von außen I: Vokalisierung und andere Körperaktionen
XI. Extraneous sounds and modifications I: vocalisations and other uses of the body
XII. Klänge und Modifikationen von außen II: zusätzliche Ausrüstung
XII. Extraneous sounds and modifications II: external equipment
XIII. Anhang
XIII. Appendices