作曲者 | H. Watkins Shaw |
タイトル | The Bing-Gostling Part-books at York Minster |
出版社 | Church Music Society |
シリーズ名 | Church Music Society publications |
楽器編成 | Book |
品番 | 9780193952485 |
形状 | 172 g・ソフトカバー |
出版番号 | 9780193952485 |
ISBN | 9780193952485 |
その他 | A Catalogue with Introduction |
An exhaustive catalogue examining this celebrated set of eight part-books (1670-1695) from both bibliographical and musical standpoints. Includes a systematic catalogue.
Introduction, Medius Decani, Contratenor Decani, Tenor Decani, Bassus Decani, Medius Cantoris, Contratenor Cantoris, Tenor Cantoris, Bassus Cantoris, Index to the Catalogue, Appendix I: The Westminster Abbey-Tucker-Bing connection, Appendix II: The St Paul's Cathedral-Bin-Gostling connection, Appendix III: Chapel Royal part-books of 'Anthems with Symphonies in the hand of William Tucker