作曲者 | Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)・ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン |
タイトル | Complete Piano Sonatas, vol. 2 |
出版社 | Breitkopf & Härtel・ブライトコプフ |
楽器編成 | piano |
品番 | 9790004162873 |
校訂者 | Frederic Lamond |
形状 | 316 ページ・23 x 30.5 cm・975 g・ソフトカバー |
出版番号 | EB 4342 |
その他 | Instructive Edition |
サンプル | https://issuu.com/breitkopf/docs/eb_4342_issuu?fr=sYzExMjMwODU |
“The Scotsman and his Beethoven” – The 32 Piano Sonatas in the Instructive Edition, edited and supplied with fingerings by Frederic Lamond Whereas in past decades Urtext editions with assorted aspirations and readings by various editors were the primary points of departure in addressing Beethoven’s piano sonatas, today it is more often the question of what significance so-called“instructive editions” have in the history of interpretation, what additional benefit is generated from them, and wherein lies their legitimacy. Unlike his teacher Hans von Bülow in his edition of the sonatas, Lamond did not allow any intervention in the music text per se. His indications give instead interpretive approaches, additionally inspiring today’s musicians in the realization of the musical composition. By the beginning of the 20th century he was a successful and celebrated pianist, concertizing in the US and across much of Europe. He repeatedly caused a stir with his Beethoven projects such as performing sixteen sonatas as well as the“Diabelli” and“Eroica” variations within four days at the Queen’s Hall in London (1925). Dating from this period is also his edition of Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas that first appeared from Breitkopf & Härtel in 1923. Frederic Lamond thus epitomizes Beethoven interpretation. Even today his name is still associated primarily with Beethoven. The present „Instructive Edition“ of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas is a part of the „Breitkopf Originals“ series on the occasion of Beethoven’s 250th Birthday in 2020. Apart from the established Urtext editions, this reissue opens up a fascinating view on the interpretation- and performance practice of one of the most important Beethoven interpreters in the 19th and 20th century.

Breitkopf & Härtel・ブライトコプフ
お届け予定日 : 約3週間

piano and violin
G. Henle Verlag・ヘンレ
お届け予定日 : 約3週間

piano and violin
G. Henle Verlag・ヘンレ
お届け予定日 : 約3週間

Performance score
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Performance score
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お届け予定日 : 約3週間

Performance score
お届け予定日 : 約3〜4週間

G. Henle Verlag・ヘンレ
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Wiener Urtext Edition・ウィーン原典版
お届け予定日 : 2〜3週間