作曲者 | Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754-1812)・フランツ・アントン・ホフマイスター |
タイトル | Viola Concerto D major(ピアノ・リダクション) |
出版社 | G. Henle Verlag・ヘンレ |
楽器編成 | viola and orchestra |
品番 | 9790201807393 |
校訂者 | Kim Kashkashian, Klaus Schilde |
編曲者 | Norbert Gertsch, Julia Ronge |
形状 | 199 g・ソフトカバー |
出版番号 | HN 739 |
ISMN | 979-0-2018-0739-3 |
Along with the Stamitz concerto, Hoffmeister‘s Viola Concerto is the most important audition piece for viola players. Yet, it has been handed down in a complicated source tradition, surviving in a single contemporary manuscript covered with many layers of markings. Our piano reduction reconstructs, for the first time, the earliest textual layer in this source, thereby coming as close as possible to Hoffmeister‘s actual intentions. The reconstructed original is accompanied by a detailed critical commentary. Fingering and bowing marks have been added by no less a musician than Kim Kashkashian!?