作曲者 | Richard Wagner (1813-1883)・リヒャルト・ワーグナー |
タイトル | Siegfried WWV 86 C (text/libretto, ドイツ語) |
サブタイトル | Der Ring des Nibelungen |
出版社 | Schott・ショット |
シリーズ名 | Operas of the world |
品番 | 9783254080349 |
編曲者 | Kurt Pahlen |
言語 | ドイツ語 |
形状 | 392 ページ・Paperback/Soft Cover |
演奏時間 | 300分 |
出版年 | 2003年 |
出版番号 | SEM 8034 |
ISBN | 9783254080349 |
'Siegfried' is the Second Day in Wagner's tetralogy 'The Nibelung's Ring'; the world premiere took place in Bayreuth in 1876 as part of the opening ceremony of the festival theatre. In contrast to the other parts of the complete oeuvre, the whole mood in 'Siegfried' is lighter, brighter. Although the story of the Ring cycle moves decisively forward, ending with the love of Siegfried for Brunnhilde, the deeply tragic events of the cycle happen in the three other works.Apart from the libretto, this edition contains introductory commentaries of Kurt Pahlen who also adds information on the compositional structure and context to the musical as well as external and internal dramatic action of the opera. A short synopsis and a brief outline of the genesis bring the work into relation with the composer's entire oeuvre and his life, thus offering a comprehensive, richly illustrated introduction.
Zur Aufführung - Textbuch mit Erläuterungen zu Musik und Handlung - Inhalt - Zur Geschichte des Siegfried - Erklärungen zu altertümlichen oder Wagnerschen Wortbildungen in Siegfried - Leitmotive aus Siegfried - Biographische Daten Wagners - Die Bühnenwerke Richard Wagners