作曲者 | Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)・フェリークス・メンデルスゾーン |
タイトル | Sinfonie Nr. 2 B-Dur op. 52 |
サブタイトル | Hymn of Praise |
出版社 | Eulenburg・オイレンブルク |
シリーズ名 | Eulenburg Taschenpartitur |
楽器編成 | soloists, mixed choir and orchestra |
品番 | 9790200211788 |
編曲者 | Roger Fiske |
言語 | ドイツ語・英語 |
形状 | 248 ページ・ソフトカバー |
演奏時間 | 60分 |
出版年 | 1980年 |
出版番号 | ETP 8014 |
ISMN | 9790200211788 |
ISBN | 9783795766337 |
With more than 1, 200 titles from the orchestral and choral repertoire, from chamber music and musical theatre, Edition Eulenburg is the world's largest series of scores, covering large part of music history from the Baroque to the Classical era and looking back on a long tradition.
Preface - Vorwort - Editorial Notes - Symphonie Nr. 2: - 1. Sinfonia - 2. Chor: Alles was Odem hat/All men, all things - Sopran-Solo und Frauenchor: Lobe den Herrn/Praise thou the Lord - 3. Tenor-Solo: Saget es...Er zählet unsre Thränen/Sing ye praise...He counteth all your sorrows - 4. Chor: Sagt, es, die ihr erlöset seid/All ye that cried unto the Lord - 5. Duett und Chor: Ich harrete des Herrn/I waited for the Lord - 6. Tenor-Solo: Stricke des Todes hatten uns umfangen/The sorrows of death had closed all around me - 7. Chor: Die Nacht ist vergangen/The night is departing - 8. Chor: Nun danket Alle Gott/Let all men praise the Lord - 9. Duett: Drum sing' ich mit meinem Liede/My song shall alway be thy mercy - 10. Chor: Ihr Völker! bringet her dem Herrn/Ye nations, offer to the Lord