作曲者 | Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)・ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン |
タイトル | Chorus Fantasy c minor and other works(ポケット・スコア) |
出版社 | G. Henle Verlag・ヘンレ |
楽器編成 | choir and orchestra |
品番 | 9790201895468 |
形状 | 393 g・ソフトカバー |
出版番号 | HN 9546 |
ISMN | 979-0-2018-9546-8 |
Combining a piano concerto and a cantata in one work is an undertaking that requires true mastery. Ludwig van Beethoven succeeded in this with his “Fantasy for piano, chorus and orchestra” in C minor op. 80, composed in 1808. Since the melody of the “Ode to Joy” from the finale of his Ninth Symphony can be heard here “in ovo”, the Choral Fantasy is also referred to as the “Little Ninth”. This score edition of the work is supplemented in our handy study edition by the concert overture “Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt” (“Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage”) op. 112 and other short orchestral works (opp. 118, 121b, 122, WoO 95). This edition, in the quality one expects of an Urtext, offers the full musical text of the Beethoven Complete Edition.
Chorus Fantasy and other works (op112, 118, 121b, 122, WoO95 op. 80 - Meeres Stille und glückliche Fahrt op. 112 - Elegischer Gesang op. 118 - Ihr weisen Gründer glücklicher Staaten WoO 95 - Opferlied · earlier version op. 121b - Bundeslied · earlier version op. 122 - Bundeslied op. 122 - Opferlied op. 121b