作曲者 | Georges Bizet (1838-1875)・ジョルジュ・ビゼー |
タイトル | Carmen Suite Nr. 1(ポケットスコア) |
サブタイトル | on the critical edition by Robert Didion |
出版社 | Ernst Eulenburg & Co.・エルンスト・オイレンブルク |
シリーズ名 | Eulenburg Taschenpartitur |
楽器編成 | orchestra |
楽器編成(詳細) | 2 (2. auch Picc.) · 2 (2. auch Engl. Hr.) · 2 · 2 - 4 · 2 · 3 · 0 - P. S. (Trgl. · Schellentr. · kl. Tr. · gr. Tr. m. Beck.) - 2 Hrf. - Str. |
品番 | 9790200224856 |
校訂者 | Robert Didion |
形状 | 62 ページ・中綴じ |
演奏時間 | 15分 |
出版年 | 2009年 |
出版番号 | ETP 1544 |
ISMN | 9790200224856 |
ISBN | 9783795764661 |
'Carmen' is one of the most popular and most frequently performed operas across the globe. Its world premiere was a flop. Nevertheless, the opera very quickly gained acceptance at all major theatres, bringing in its wake countless arrangements of some particularly beautiful music numbers, among them the Carmen Fantasia for violin and orchestra by the Spanish violin virtuoso Pablo de Sarasate.It was, in all probability, Bizet's close friend and fellow student Ernest Guiraud who brought 12 numbers of the opera together to form two orchestral suites. The missing singing voices were replaced by instruments, as was common practice in such cases. In addition to the two pocket scores, full score and orchestral parts are available as hire material.
Preface - Orchestration - I Prélude (Acte I) - II Aragonaise (Entracte, Acte IV) - III Intermezzo (Entracte, Acte III) - IV Séguedille (Act I) - V Les Dragons d’Arcale (Entracte, Act II) - VI Les Toréadors (Prélude, Act I)