作曲者 | Barbara Distler-Harth |
タイトル | Hugo Distler |
サブタイトル | Lebensweg eines Frühvollendeten |
出版社 | Schott・ショット |
品番 | 9783795701826 |
言語 | ドイツ語 |
形状 | 390 ページ・ソフトカバー |
出版年 | 2008年 |
出版番号 | ED 20399 |
ISBN | 9783795701826 |
Hugo Distler was one of the most important German composers of sacred and secular choral music in the first half of the 20th century. Born in 1908 and raised as an orphan, he created a vast oeuvre of choral and instrumental music within a few years. His 'Mörike-Chorliederbuch' forms part of the standard repertoire of major choirs throughout the world. The meteoric rise of Hugo Distler came to an end in 1942 when the 34-year-old committed suicide. Soon after, legends grew up around him: Some stylized him as a martyr to Nazi tyranny, others alleged that he had been involved in the Nazi movement as an accomplice. But what had actually happened then? Hugo Distler's daughter Barbara has portrayed the story of his life in an authentic, yet very captivating way.With an introduction by Karl Corino.
Vorbemerkung von Karl Corino - Vorwort - I. Kindheit - II. Jugendjahre - III. Leipziger Studienjahre 1927-1930 - IV. Unbekanntes Gelände: Lübeck 1931-1932 - V. Familiengeschichten - VI. Briefe nach London (1932) - VII. Lübeck 1933 - VIII. Lübeck 1934-1935 - IX. 1936 Zeit des Umbruchs - X. Stuttgart 1937-1939 - XI. Die Weltalter: Stuttgart-Berlin (1940-1942) - Anmerkungen - Literaturverzeichnis - Personenregister