タイトル | Im Dialog |
サブタイトル | Elemental Music and Dance Education in interdisciplinary Contexts |
出版社 | Schott・ショット |
シリーズ名 | Musical Education |
品番 | 9783795705961 |
編曲者 | Micaela Gruener, Barbara Haselbach, Shirley Salmon |
言語 | ドイツ語・英語 |
形状 | 424 ページ・ハードカバー |
出版年 | 2008年 |
出版番号 | ED 20211 |
ISBN | 9783795705961 |
For decades, the Orff Schulwerk has influenced educational, artistic and therapeutic fields. But the development of this music and dance teaching method at the Salzburg Orff Institute and its worldwide application are also influenced and inspired again and again by new theories and practical phenomena from various areas.This dialogical situation was the topic of the International Symposion 2006 'Orff-Schulwerk - In Dialogue'. Contributions from the fields of educational science, psychology, musical ethnology, neurobiology and music psychology take up interdisciplinary issues that every music and dance teacher faces in practice. Contributions concerning the education in art introduce 'new ways to the public'.
Introduction - I Contributions from Different Scientific Disciplines: Sciences of Education - Neuroscience - Early Childhood Research - Musicology - Music Psychology - Psychology - II Contributions to Mediation in the Arts: Lectures - Workshops - Artistic and Pedagogical Practice Performances with Children and Teenagers - III Artistic Contributions - IV Appendix