作曲者 | Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)・ガブリエル・フォーレ |
タイトル | Geistliche Vokalmusik Serie I, 4 = Sacred Vocal Music, Series 1, 4 |
サブタイトル | Motets and Hymns / Messe de l'Association des pêcheurs de Villerville N 60a / Messe basse N 163 / Christmas Song Arrangements = Motetten und Kirchenlieder / Messe de l'Association des pęcheurs de Villerville N 60a / Messe basse N 163 / Weihnachtsliedersatze |
出版社 | Bärenreiter・ベーレンライター |
シリーズ名 | Gabriel Fauré. Œuvres complètes VI/3 |
品番 | 979-ge9b8e9d1 |
校訂者 | Helga Schauerte-Maubouet |
形状 | XXXIX, 137 ページ・33 x 26 cm・1150 g・Linen |
出版年 | 2020年第1刷 |
出版番号 | BA 9478-01 |
ISMN | 979-0006544691 |
This volume of Gabriel Fauré's sacred music is divided into three parts: Besides the motets and hymns (17 works), it contains the two well-known harmonisations of French Christmas carols and the two masses, the “Messe basse” (Low mass) of 1907 and the “Messe de l'association des pęcheurs de Villerville”. Also published for the first time is the original 1881 version of the “Messe de pęcheurs”. The genesis of the “Messe de l'association des pęcheurs”, which was composed in Villerville (Normandy) in collaboration with Fauré’s friend André Messager, is the central theme of the introductory text. In addition, Helga Schauerte-Maubouet focuses on the relationship between the characteristics of the choir organ at the church of La Madeleine as well as the composition and performance practice aspects of the motets. A first in this edition is the inclusion of the double bass part in the scores of some of these works. Although this part does not consequently appear in the musical text of the first editions of these motets, it is substantiated by the autographs from the Madeleine church archives. Its integration makes it possible to restore the practice that was common in this church during Fauré’s lifetime. By means of many other details, the new readings of the complete edition finally offer a reliable musical text of jewels such as the “Cantique de Jean Racine”.