2 trianglesn

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Schott(ショット) Kadenzen
Sale price2,402円 (税込)

percussion with 3 players (1. player: Schlagstäbe, 4 Holzdrums, Xylomarimba, große castanets, Fingercymbals, tubular bells, antike cymbals, side/snare drum, Rahmendrum - 2. player: 2 Paar castanets, Guiro, 6 Tom-Toms, Conga, glockenspiel, 3 cymbal, Sporen, side/snare drum, provenzalische drum, 2 tenor drums, Rahmendrum - 3. player: whip, castanets, 2  trianglesn, vibraphone, 3 Almbells, 2 Kuhbells, Flexaton, Tamtam, 2 tenor drums, Conga, provenzalische drum)


performance score

お届け予定日 : 2~3週間